100% Pure & Natural

Styrax benzoin Resin Extract - 100% pure - OGR23

Item 63 of 68


Synonyms: Gum Benzoin, Gum Benjamin

Description: A large tropical tree up to 20 metres high with pale green citrus-like leaves, whitish underneath, bearing hard-shelled flattish fruit about the size of a nutmeg. The benzoin is a pathological product, formed when the trunk is cut; the tree exudes a balsamic resin which hardens upon exposure to air and sunlight.

Also as pourable available (25% concentrated): Essential oil Benzoin Pourable - EO002

Origin: Sumatra

Extration: Styrax benzoin Resin Extract is an extract of the balsamic resin of the Benzoin, Styrax benzoin, Styracaceae

Common Uses/Applications:

  • Aromatherapy applications.
  • Fragrance component in perfumes and cosmetic products.

Aromatherapy Actions/Uses: Considered to have the following properties: Analgesic, anthelmintic, anti-depressant, antiseptic (pulmonary genitourinary), antispasmodic, antitoxic, carminative, digestive, diuretic, deodorant, febrifuge, laxative parasiticide, rubefacient, stimulant, stomachic, tonic, vermifuge and vulnerary.

Regarded to be helpful for: Cuts, chapped skin, inflamed and irritated conditions, Arthritis, gout, poor circulation rheumatism, asthma, bronchitis, chills, colic, coughs, laryngitis, nervous tension and stress related complaints.

Use / dilution and solution methods:

  1. Gradually add Mono Propylene Glycol (MPG) and stir until it is uniform and clear. Must be warmed up gently.
  2. Heat carefully and gradually add to Di-Propylene glycol (DPG) and stir until it is uniform and clear. (NOTE: This solvent is not suitable for CP soap)
  3. To keep it 100% natural: Gradually add DEB 96% (denatured ethanol B) TSDA 1 and stir until it is uniform and clear. Do not heat up.

Purity: 100% pure & natural

Weight:  10 g - 25 g - 50 g - 100 g - 250 g - 500 g - 1 kg

INCI: Styrax benzoin Resin Extract

CAS: 84929-79-3



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