Info color mixing

Tips for mixing colors in melt & pour soap.

Fact: The transparent and white soap basis are identical, except for the pigment powder (Titanium Dioxide) that was added in the production process of white soap. Depending on the desired color it is in some cases necessary to combine both soap bases.

Whitening the soap: It is also possible to whiten the soap by adding extra Titanium Dioxide. This can be necessary in case of discoloration due to the use of fragrance oils. 

To simplify the mixing one can best mix the pigment powder with liquid glycerin first.  

Bright or dark colors: For bright or dark colors it is recommended to use a lot of transparent soap and little to none white soap. 

Light or pastel colors: For light or pastel colors it is recommended to use a lot of white soap and little to none transparent soap. 

Some example formulas:  

black soap: 95% transparent basis + 5% white basis + black pigment.

brown soap: 90% transparent basis + 10% white basis + brown pigment.

Brown is a mixture of red, yellow and blue. By adding extra blue one obtains a darker brown. 

dark red soap: 90% up to 95% transparent basis + 5% up to 10% white basis + red pigment or dark red colorant on water base (+ optionally a very little amount of black pigment)

(in case the soap must be less dark, leave out the black powder and/or add more white soap) 

bright pink soap (fuchsia): 75-85%% transparent basis + 15-25% white basis + pink or red colorant

dark blue soap: 80-90% transparent basis + 10-20% white basis + blue colorant + black pigment.


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