Recipes of customers

Buyers of our raw materials can place their recipes here. 

Receive € 7,50 order credit per submidded recipe.

Mail us your nicest and most creatives recipes or basic recipes, possibly with photos and we will place it on our website. The recipes will be signed with the name of the "Soap Chef". If desired, recipes can be placed anonymously as well.  

As a reward for your submission, you will receive an credit of € 7,50 discount on your next order.  

NOTE: These recipes are submitted by our customers. We are not able to test every single recipe. Due to this we cannot guarantee all showed results. The recipes are meant as a source of inspiration or guidance. In order to avoid excessive loss of your raw materials we advise you to always experiment in small batches.  

>>> Submit Recipe <<<




  • Multiple submissions per customer are possible. We donate € 7,50 discount per recipe.
  • Only 1 credit received through recipes can be used per order.  
  • Only useful recipes will be rewarded.
  • SoapQueen reserves the right to decide which recipes are placed. 
  • Notifications and complaints can only be handled by e-mail in order to avoid misunderstandings. 


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